Sunday, December 6, 2009

Meeting in Wolgast

Project Teachers from Buzau, Marseille and Wolgast in front of Berufliche Schule in Wolgast

Visiting new Biogasstation in Wolgast

Impressions of the comenius meeting in Wolgast in November 2009:
Visiting of the new biogasplant in Wolgast, a little thankyou to the director of the Wolgast Heating Plant: a project shirt with our logo.
Participants were pupils from grade 12 Fachgymnasium and project teachers from Buzau, Marseille and Wolgast

more from ...

Many new and many old churches and monasteries

more from Romania

To build a new energy house and Romanian folk dance

More pictures from Romania

first evening meeting, chair dance and the whole international group after opening session in the theatre

Rumänientour 2009

There were 24 people and two busdrivers going to Buzau in Romania for some days beginning in easter holiday 2009.
There we met our comenius project friends from Buzau and Marseille:


Carpathian mountains

On an old school building: Education is freedom

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Summaries New Energy Themes 2009

See for this years discussion in geography course about new energy.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Logo contest: the winner is ...

There was a logo contest for the project new energy in Wolgast at the "Berufliche Schule".

There were six participants in the contest. Everybody had to create a logo which we could use on the back of some t-shirts which are now ordered already.

Meanwhile we know the winner. First of all: everybody was a winner because we could learn a little bit. Second: participants got a certificate and a book about the most famous person from Wolgast. It is the painter Ph.O. Runge, a main representative of german romanticism.

But the person whose logo was choosen to be on the t-shirt is Lisa Brose. She won the main prize which is connected with some money.

Monday, February 16, 2009

German folk song

For a school contest in Buzau/Romania the class FGW81 from Wolgast/Germany is singing an old German folk song. The title is: Wenn alle Brünnlein fließen or in English: When all fountains are flowing:

see youtube:

Thank You to all singers and producers!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009



Für das ComeniusProjekt NEW ENERGY wird ein Logo für einen T-Shirt-Aufdruck (hinten) gesucht.
Das Logo muss zum Thema passen: siehe unter

Preisgeld: 1. Platz:
Abgabe bis 24.02.2009 im Sekretariat
Voraussetzung für den Preis ist die festgestellte Verwendbarkeit durch die Projektleitung.