Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The time is over, it's nearly a year,
now we can call us maybe by dear.
Our project is important, for me and for you,
that is why we should something do!
We should work hand in hand, just together,
nothing disturbs, also not the weather...

Comenius project spent us some money,
all the involved people smile, they are funny.
They are happy to get to know better,
maybe we can write some penpal letter?!
We can be friends, for now and ever,
asap, we will work together.

Our project is called "New energy at home",
with this work, you aren't alone.
It's important for the really next time,
the earth will be better, the sun will shine.
So let us show, that the money was spent well,
let us ring the project-starting-bell!!!

Ulrike Grimm


Anonymous said...

as always very imaginative,
thanks to Ulrike,

teacher Frank Dethloff

ulrike said...

Shouldn't be the problem... but thanx!
I allways do it again.